Dreams. Create. Success.
Our Mission
“Nurturing a disciplined culture of money management skills towards financial independence” with F.I.R.E. Strategy using time tested financial tools
The F.I.R.E. Movement
F.I.R.E. = Financial Independence Retiring Early
Financial Independence (FI) means that you have sufficient savings (or passive income-generating assets) and do not depend on a regular job to take care of your expenses. In a nutshell, you never need to work again. We believe that financial independence is about being free to live your life in pursuit of happiness.
Retiring Early (RE) means that you have enough money to retire and you are free to do whatever your passion is and to live the dream lifestyle that you always wanted.
“Retired doesn’t mean not working or not earning anymore”
What is the Problem we faced today?
Chances are most of us are in this rat race. We work a minimum of 8 hours a day, sometimes more, and not taking into consideration the stressful travelling time that comes with the job. This never-ending pattern continues, day after day, week after week, and then years have gone by without you realizing it. It continues on because you believe that you are, financially incapable to stop working. But the good news, is, YOU CAN.
We are sure that you have spent sleepless nights worrying and agonizing about your personal finances, commitments, debt obligations, children’s education, and many other financial related matters. It is about time to break free from these nightmares and move towards, a world where your personal fortune is revered.
If only our school system has an elementary financial education system in place, we would have been in a much better position to improve our personal financial skills. Personal finance is a necessary life skill; as a lack of financial knowledge has dire and painful consequences. Due to the lack of financial literacy, numerous people have ended up in financial distress and uncertainty. In our adulthood, one can see that finances are understandably one of the leading causes of stress that keeps you awake at night.
The burning question to you is are you ready to take this step to equip yourself with the right financial knowledge and skills to fulfil your dream lifestyle.
What does retiring early means?
For the majority of us, retirement meant never having to work again for the rest of our lives. But with the FIRE movement, Retiring Early offers you the ability to pursue a quality lifestyle you have dreamt of without any concern, as your financial requirements are taken care of.
The success factor of FIRE lies in the concept of building a passive income stream that never depletes your principal financial sum (initial capital) for the rest of your life. Essentially by taking total financial control of your life, it allows you to fulfil that ideal way of life.
Many from the FIRE community have first started exploring new opportunities that they never know was possible. Early retirement has allowed them the beauty to unlock a new career of choice or starting a business, which they discovered to be very passionate about.
“ The best feeling in the world is GETTING PAID TO DO WHAT YOUR LOVE. “
Honestly, I have personally achieved it; with comprehensive financial computation and prudent planning. I retired early at the age of 43, leaving a highly successful but extremely stressful job, which has a 6-figure paycheck. Although I was earning much lesser initially, I have never regretted that decision for many of the immeasurable benefits that came with that move. My quality of life has been improved drastically; with more quality time to spend with my family and the opportunity to pursue things that matter. – FC Hong
Why are we doing this?
In “From Rat Race to F.I.R.E.” course, we detail out the reality and stumbling block that is hindering many from achieving Financial Independence. The reality is most people are in the rat race today and it seems literally impossible to escape from this stressful and never-ending cycle. You can break out of this cast, with the FIRE strategy, as it will guide you to identify the most workable and achievable path towards financial independence in the shortest possible time.
Right now, we are in a vulnerable stage and could be much worse off during these challenging economic times. It is only logical that you must start to prepare planning for your financial future. But therein lies the problem; many do not know where and how to start.
Unbeknownst to many, the path to financial independence is fairly simple and straight forward. We believe, that the critical failure, can be summarized by the inability to consistently follow-through, with progress tracking, monitoring and financial reviews based on the current fast-changing financial and economic circumstances.
How are we doing it?
Our first objective is to help you to understand why it is critical to put your financial house in order. After which you will embark on a journey to master and achieve total financial independence.
You will be utilizing our financial tools which have been used by clients with net-worth of hundreds of millions, in the past decade. The tools have the ability to run multiple scenarios based on the different inputs and variables to calibrate and align the most justifiable outcome.
This isn’t any earth-shattering discovery or a magic formula. It begins with a simple proven single step, that you can start immediately that enables you to focus on short-term planning. During the course, you will learn how to compute your personal FREEDOM NUMBER and design a road-map to your financial independence. As time passed, you will gain traction and will develop medium and long term plans, that include enhanced financial simulations.
One can expect that the financial journey will be long and challenging. It can also be painstaking, tiresome, and drudgery. Rest assured that we have the structure to support you with the relevant financial know-how, guidance, and mentorship that will usher you ahead of the game.
Who is this for?
As the course is designed using a question-based approach; it is simpler to follow through, especially for those that are determined to take affirmative action to learn on how to improve their financial well-being.
This course is for those who seek to leave the mad rat race and start a rewarding financial journey.
It is for those who dream of doing the things that they love to do all day every day without any worry for money.
It is for those who never ever want to wake up, to the sound of the alarm.
It is for those that want to relieve themselves, from the biggest worry about retirement — whether you will have sufficient money to live through your entire retirement.
At the end of the day, the change will have to start from you. There will be sacrifices to take and efforts required to achieve financial freedom. We can, and will hand-hold you through this journey, but you are the only one, who can make that difference.
Here’s what we offer.
From Rat Race to F.I.R.E. course
with Certificate of Completion
Free Personal Budget Tracker
FREE 90 days access to Basic Version – ePlan System
BONUS – Financial Tips
Strategy: Short Term
Level: Beginner
From Rat Race to F.I.R.E. course
with Certificate of Completion
Free Personal Budget Tracker
1 Year Access – Basic Version – ePlan System with Retirement Analyzer
1 Online Session – Set up, Fact-Finding and Interview
1 One-On-One Online Review Session
BONUS – Financial Tips
Strategy: Short Term
From Rat Race to F.I.R.E. course
with Certificate of Completion
Free Personal Budget Tracker
1 Year Access – Professional Version – ePlan System
1 Online Session – Set up, Fact-Finding and Interview.
3 One-To-One Online Strategy Review Session.
BONUS – Financial Tips.
Strategy: Short/Medium Term